CH1401 chemistry modules BIT mesra

                  ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY CH – 1401

Module I 

Phase Rule: Terms Involved, Phase diagram of one component (Water) & two component (Pb/Ag) system & their applications. [4] 

Module – II 

Fuel & combustion: Classification, Properties, calorific value determination (theoretical & experimental) , flue gas analysis & combustion calculation. [5] Solid fuel: Classification of coal, Proximate & Ultimate Analysis, Carbonization and pyrolysis, recovery and purification of by –products obtained from coke ovens. 

Module – III 

Liquid fuels: Composition of crude oil, processing of crude oil, synthetic oil Diesel : Diesel engine ignition temperature, Flash point, Fire point, Smoke point, Cetane no Petrol : Spark ignition IC engine, Gasoline fuel, Grading gasoline Knocking, Additives & Dopants, Octane no., Alternative fuels (Propane, Methanol, Ethanol ) Gaseous fuels: Water Gas, Producer gas, Coal gas Lubricants: Classification – Liquid, Semi solid & Solid Lubricants; Properties of lubricants: Viscosity & Viscosity Index, Cloud Point & Pour Point, Aniline Point, Dropping Point, Saponification, Carbon Residue, Oiliness, Mechanism of Lubrication, synthetic lubricants, Grease. 

Module IV 

Kinetics: Introduction: Order and Molecularity of reaction, Factors affecting reaction rates, Activation Energies, Theories of reaction rates – Collision theory and transition state theory, Rate Laws – 0th order, 1st order and 2nd order reaction, Reactions: Chain, Parallel/Competing/Side, Consecutive; Study of Fast reactions-Flash Photolysis. [5] 

Module V 

Catalysis: Introduction and characteristics of catalyst, types of catalysis (homogenous, heterogeneous and auto catalysis with example), catalytic poison; Theories of catalysis, intermediate compound formation and adsorption or contact theory with examples, advantage and disadvantages; Acid base catalysis- including kinetics and examples, Enzyme catalysis- Mechanism and kinetics of enzyme catalyzed reaction, MichaelisMenten equation, Important catalysts in industrial processes (a) Bosch Process (b) Habers process (c) Contact process (d) Ostowald process (e) Bergius Process, Hydrogenation using Wilkinsons catalyst, Hydroformylation by using Cobalt-catalyst . [5] 

Module VI 

Polymers: Introduction to polymers; Polymer characterization; Mechanism of polymerization (Free radical, Anionic & Cationic); Molecular Weight of polymers ( Mn M w, Mv); Glass Transition Temperature (Tg ), structure property relationship (chemical, electrical, optical and mechanical ); A brief introduction to inorganic polymers. [5]

Module VII Corrosion Chemistry: Chemical and Electrochemical corrosion, Factors affecting the rate of corrosion, Types of corrosion, Protection & Inhibition, Paints & Coatings: Constituents, Binders, Driers, Pigments, Thinners, Fire retardant paints, Antifouling paints

Textbooks: 1.Applied Chemistry: A Text book for engineers and technologists by H.D.Geyser, Plenum publishers 2. Engineering Chemistry: Sashi Chawla/ Jain & Jain Reference books 1. Physical chemistry: P.W. Atkins

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